BPI Qualification

Platform Familiarization:
Startup and Configuration
COMM Check
Field Taxi, Takeoff & Landing Procedures
Departure and Approach Procedures
Basic Navigation Ground School
Qualification: 1
Night VFR conditions
Startup and Configuration
COMM Check / Alpha Check
Depart Field and Navigate to TOT Waypoint/s
Land Airfield, Taxi, Park, Shutdown

Navigation and SA Systems:
BARO / RADAR Altimeter (MSL/AGL)
WayPoint Navigation
TACAN Navigation
ILS and ICLS Systems
Radials and Course management
Auto Pilot Management

Squadron CV Operations:
WayPoint Navigation
TACAN Navigation
ILS and ICLS Systems
Radials and Course management
Qualification: 2
Case I Departure / Recovery
Case II Recovery
Case III Departure / Recovery
TACAN Rendezvous
TLI Qualification

Tactical Formations:
Formation Maneuvering
Wingman Proficiency
F.E.N.C.E Procedures
Early Warning (EW) Page
HUD and HMD Symbology
Counter Measures
Qualification: 1
Day VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield
Navigate to briefed waypoint (TOT)
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
RTB Airfield

Threat Maneuvering:
Qualification: 2
Night VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield
Navigate to briefed waypoint (TOT)
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
RTB Airfield

Advanced Navigation:
Waypoint Sequence / HSI Data Page
Advanced SA Page Tactics
Qualification: 3
Night IFRConditions
Depart CVN 72
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
RTB Airfield
STRIKE Qualification

Unguided Ordnance Employment:
Dumb Bomb Modes
Manual - Auto - CCIP (Hi Drag)
Ordnance Programing
ATFLIR Targeting
Qualification: 1
Day VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield/Ship as briefed
Navigate to briefed waypoint
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
Deploy briefed weapon on target
Demonstrate basic proficiency with all
unguided bombs and modes. Multiple flights as required.
Qualification: 1
Day VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield/Ship as briefed
Navigate to briefed waypoint
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
Deploy briefed weapon on target
Demonstrate basic proficiency with all
unguided bombs and modes. Multiple flights as required.
Qualification: 1
Day VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield/Ship as briefed
Navigate to briefed waypoint
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
Deploy briefed weapon on target
Demonstrate basic proficiency with all
unguided bombs and modes. Multiple flights as required.

Guided Ordnance Employment:
Dumb Bomb Modes
Manual - Auto - CCIP (Hi Drag)
Ordnance Programing
ATFLIR Targeting
Guided Ordnance Employment:
Dumb Bomb Modes
Manual - Auto - CCIP (Hi Drag)
Ordnance Programing
ATFLIR Targeting
Guided Ordnance Employment:
Dumb Bomb Modes
Manual - Auto - CCIP (Hi Drag)
Ordnance Programing
ATFLIR Targeting
Guided Ordnance Employment:
Dumb Bomb Modes
Manual - Auto - CCIP (Hi Drag)
Ordnance Programing
ATFLIR Targeting
Qualification: 2
Day VFR Conditions
Depart Airfield/Ship as briefed
Navigate to briefed waypoint
Fly waypoint route avoiding all threats
Deploy briefed weapon on target
Demonstrate basic proficiency with all
unguided bombs and modes. Multiple flights as required.

Incorporate what you have learned on one action packed thrill ride. High Speed, Low Altitude, Pop Up - Get Down Shit Hot TOT ride of your life.... ;o)
Qualification: 3
We will let you know what you need to know when you need to know it.
See ya out there!
Requal Month Assignments (In Zone):
Month Modexes BZ AZ
Jan: 203 | 211 | 301 | 307 | 405 | 414 Dec Feb
Feb: 204 | 212 | 302 | 310 | 400 | 406 Jan Mar
Mar: 205 | 214 | 303 | 311 | 401 | 407 Feb Apr
Apr: 200 | 206 | 304 | 312 | 402 | 410 Mar May
May: 201 | 207 | 305 | 314 | 403 | 411 Apr Jun
Jun: 202 | 210 | 300 | 306 | 404 | 412 May Jul
Jul: 203 | 211 | 301 | 307 | 405 | 414 Jun Aug
Aug: 204 | 212 | 302 | 310 | 400 | 406 Jul Sep
Sep: 205 | 214 | 303 | 311 | 401 | 407 Aug Oct
Oct: 200 | 206 | 304 | 312 | 402 | 410 Sep Nov
Nov: 201 | 207 | 305 | 314 | 403 | 411 Oct Dec
Dec: 202 | 210 | 300 | 306 | 404 | 412 Nov Jan
Every Pilot is required to Re-Qualify twice a year based on the schedule to the left.
• Depart Shore Station
• Air to Air Refuel
• Three Graded Traps on the Boat.